Tuesday, 6 September 2016

How to add network interface card (NIC) to Docker’s container and bridging with phisical NIC

  1. Create Docker Network
    • # docker network create --driver=bridge [docker's network name]
    • *Docker automatically create network bridge with brctl when running command (for linux environment).
  2. Bridge created network with another interface
    • # brctl addif [brid name] [NIC’s name]
    • *brctl show (for lookup bridge name).
    • **Manual add interface to bridge everytime after restart host.
  3. Create Docker Cointainer
  4. Connect Docker to bridge
    • # docker network connect [Network Name] [Container ID]
    • *Container will be connect and automatically create another interface on container that connect with created network.

Import SSH Private Key to Yubikey (PIV) for SSH Authentication

Introduction: This guide will walk you through the process of importing your SSH private key to a Yubikey (PIV) for SSH authentication on y...